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Magnetic levitation is a highly advanced technology. There are many applications that utilize this applied science. The base for this is lack of contact and thus no wear and friction. This increases efficiency, reduces maintenance costs, and increases the longevity of the system. The magnetic levitation technology can be used as an efficient innovation in the various industries. There are already many countries that are attracted to maglev systems. Many systems have been proposed in different parts of the world. From cable-free elevators to frictionless trains, this technology would play a huge role in present and future development projects. Magnetic levitation or Maglev technologies could give a space launch vehicle a “running start” to break free from Earth’s gravity utilizing electricity instead of encumbering rocket fuel that is heavy and more costly. Also, and most importantly, Maglev systems could potentially benefit artificial heart pumps. The current heart pumps are made up of balls and bearings which over time pollute the blood it so preciously needs.  With the development of maglev, motor and control technology, artificial heart pumps overcome the problems such as friction, sealing, and lubrication, which reduced the damage of blood cells and improved the heart pump life and safety. In this case, the sky is not the limit and while these inventions already exist, Magnetic Levitating Superconductors have the possibility to reach for the sky and beyond.

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